In Matt 4 we read about Christ's temptation at the hands of Satan. These three temptations lie at the heart of all temptations that we face as believers.
From this passage we learn that most temptation comes when we are in a weakened state, i.e. lonely, angry, tired, hungry.
The first temptation was an attempt to get Jesus to turn stones into bread. On a universal level this was a temptation to get his needs met in ways other than God's.
The second temptation was a test to get Jesus to throw himself off of the temple. On a deeper level this was a test to control God rather than to trust Him and His ways. We do the same thing when we bargain with God in our prayers, or try to fix people instead of loving them and letting God work His grace in their lives.
The third temptation was when Satan offered Jesus all the kingdom's of the world just for worshipping him. This was a temptation to avoid suffering. Had Christ accepted Satan's offer He would not have had to go to the cross.
In short, We are tempted like Christ to:
1. Get our legitimate needs met in an illegitimate way,
2. Use God for our own ends,
3. Do the right thing at the wrong time in the wrong way and to take short cuts doing it.
From this passage we learn that most temptation comes when we are in a weakened state, i.e. lonely, angry, tired, hungry.
The first temptation was an attempt to get Jesus to turn stones into bread. On a universal level this was a temptation to get his needs met in ways other than God's.
The second temptation was a test to get Jesus to throw himself off of the temple. On a deeper level this was a test to control God rather than to trust Him and His ways. We do the same thing when we bargain with God in our prayers, or try to fix people instead of loving them and letting God work His grace in their lives.
The third temptation was when Satan offered Jesus all the kingdom's of the world just for worshipping him. This was a temptation to avoid suffering. Had Christ accepted Satan's offer He would not have had to go to the cross.
In short, We are tempted like Christ to:
1. Get our legitimate needs met in an illegitimate way,
2. Use God for our own ends,
3. Do the right thing at the wrong time in the wrong way and to take short cuts doing it.