Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Moses, Joseph

I love the stories of Moses and Joseph because it shows how God works in my life. God took into account their character flaws when he called them. God knew they were going to make their mistakes; His plan is bigger than our mistakes. Joseph would not have gone to Egypt as a slave if he wouldn't have struggled with arrogance. It was Joseph's bragging about his vision that was the last straw that made his jealous brothers finally attempt to get rid of him. Moses also had his issues. He tried to deliver the Hebrew people 40 years too early, but God was at work through a murderer. It was part of God's plan for Moses to live in the desert. Moses' story perfectly foreshadows the arrival and rejection of the Messiah. It was all part of God's plan. Here's what I've learned from Moses and Joseph, God actually uses our weakness (mistakes, shortcomings, character flaws) to accomplish His plan. He is that BIG.